You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > About Local Workspace > Unlocking Local Workspace documents > Automatically synchronizing and unlocking documents

Automatically synchronizing and unlocking documents

When Meridian is used in an environment where users can work at different computers or where multiple users share a computer and work on the same documents (for example, in different shifts), we recommend that the documents in the local workspaces of the computers be synchronized and unlocked when the users logs off of Windows. This makes the documents able to be edited in different local workspaces (at different times) or by different users in the same local workspace.

Synchronizing the documents can be done manually by each user in PowerUser but it is easy to forget to do before logging off. To do it automatically, you can run a tool named BCSyncUnlock.exe. By default, it is installed by Meridian in C:\Program Files (x86)\BC-Meridian\Program. The tool can be run in the Logoff script of the local or Active Directory security policy.

When BCSyncUnlock.exe runs, it:

  1. Locates any documents in the logged-on user's To-Do list that reside in the local workspace
  2. Synchronizes the content of the documents with the vault
  3. Unlocks the documents from the local workspace. This is different than the Synchronize Now command in Application Integration, which does not unlock the documents.


The documents that are unlocked remain on the user's To-Do list, ready to be downloaded to a different local workspace for editing by the same user. The documents can also be reassigned to a different user for editing on the same or a different computer.

BCSyncUnlock.exe can be configured by editing the file BCSyncUnlock.exe.config that resides in the same folder.

The parameters that can be configured are described in the following table.

Configurable parameters
Parameter Description


When set to True, the tool runs immediately and closes. When set to False (default), the tools opens in a window and waits until you click Start to synchronization.


A comma-separated list of executables (without their file extensions) that, if running, will suspend BCSyncUnlock.exe. The default is ustation,acad,notepad.


The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for running applications to close before the tool stops. Setting this parameter to 0 will cause the tool to wait indefinitely. The default is 20000 (20 seconds).


The message to show while the tool is waiting for applications to close. The default is Waiting for AutoCAD and MicroStation to be closed...


The message to show when the maximum wait period has expired. The default is Synchronization aborted. Please close AutoCAD and MicroStation and retry.

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Understanding Local Workspace

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